Here We Go Again

I'm starting a blogging challenge, with the intention of blogging every day for 30 days. 

I've heard many people say they "can do anything for 30 days."

I am not one of those people. 

I start and stop. 

Start and stop. 

Get distracted. 

Remember what I'm supposed to be doing, want to be doing, and then maybe, finally, I get on with it. 

Or, I don't. 

So, we'll see how I do. 

We'll see what I do. 

All I know is that I'm in a restless place in my life, where I'm evaluating where I've been, who I've been, and what I've done. I'm examining what has worked for me in the past, as far as self-expression and creativity go, and I'm trying to figure out what still fits, and of course -- what doesn't. 

Right now, it is like this:

I am not who I used to be, seven years ago, seven days ago, seven seconds ago. 

My sense of self feels a bit rudderless.

My creativity is in flux. 

In most areas of my life, I have no answers... only questions. 

And that, my friends, is where I sit today. 


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