What I Did Today, aka Managing My Energy While Living with Chronic Illness

I wonder if it would be helpful if I quite literally list out what I do on a given day.

I'm writing this blog post in advance, so it'll publish on Monday.

Right now, it's Saturday night.

Today, I showered.

I discussed more details about the upcoming crystal purge with my friend A who is sharing her Palmstreet account with me, so that I can have a different outlet for selling my crystals. And also so that I don't have to go to the trouble (and wow, is it involved) of setting up an Etsy shop, because holy shit those bastards take a big cut these days!

I measured (and measured again... thankfully) my fiancée's new pants, cut them, and hemmed them. By hand.

And in a few minutes, I'll go deal with the dishes from tonight's dinner.

That's about all I've done today, and I think that's OK.

I think one thing I'm doing better than I used to is... pacing.

I used to wake up on a certain day, recognize that I felt more energized than I typically do, and I'd cram in as much as I could possibly do on that day.

Because I had the energy to do it, and I wasn't sure when I'd have that energy again.

And then?

Well, naturally, I spend anywhere from one day to a whole week recovering from the activities of that one day.

Chronic illness is such an asshole. 


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